Friday, January 25, 2013

A New Year

We are here.

Preston and I are married, and we have a baby.
We also have a little home.

We found a church at which to sing, pray, and find people to eat with.

What else could I ask for?

Every day is filled with struggles, frustrations, poop, vomit, and messy hair.
You know, the usual.
Every day is filled with love: it's filled with kisses (both the sloppy and the sweet kind), with tears and runny noses, with "what is there to eat?" and "how are we going to afford that?"
Every day is filled with vegetables on the cutting board, full glasses and plates. It's filled with knocks at the door and too many crumbs and toys on the floor.

One thing that it's not filled with yet? Enough people.

In it all, I am asking God the same thing that I ask of my food:

That it be whole and ours to savor.

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